Billy Gerrish

Elvis died on Wednesday.  Tuesday night was a rough night, but not all that strange – Elvis had to get up a couple of times to go to the bathroom – but at 77 – that’s what old dogs do.  Wednesday morning came early.  I help Elvis downstairs, make a coffee, and sit at my desk to feverishly work to fill some void that I fell inside – it was one of those days with one of those feelings that cannot be fulfilled – maybe it was a premonition.  I feed Elvis, shower, and as I dash out the door, I notice that Elvis had not yet devoured his breakfast – rather he’s sitting in front of it and staring – definitely strange!  I go to 8:30 mass and head to get fingerprinted for a teaching assignment, but audible to come back home and check on Elvis.  I arrive and Elvis is in my office, and when I call him, he comes like a good boy, but his front legs wobble as he staggers to me – remembering that makes me sad.  That was the last time I would call Elvis and the last time Elvis would come . . . . .
