Billy Gerrish Season 8 Episode 157

***The views on this podcast are in no way a representation of the Department of Defense***  Do I have your attention – ha!

Riley Avelina is the latest guess on THE GERRISH 3xperiment.  It’s not easy being a woman in a man’s world.  Riley is a tough, wise, inspiring young lady who is a commanding officer in the United States Army.  Unicorns and rainbows are not the way of the military – more so for a young lady in a company of men.  Past obstacle, resistance, abuse, assault – Riley stands taller and more resilient than ever – a most powerful role model to all girls out there who may feel the pull to serve and protect the red, white, and blue.

Riley – thank you for being vulnerable – this is a podcast that I will not long forget – and thank you for your service to our one-of-a-kind nation.  You are a one-of-a-kind person – never stop inspiring and go HERCULES!

#rileyavelina #usamry #armywomen #abusesurvivor #medusahead #armybrat #thegerrish3xperiment #thegerrishexperiment #thegerrish #tellyourstory #speakyourpassion #theworldkneelsbeforeloveitisinawe #localpodcast #tge #tg3 #love #billyg